Comprehensive Psychological Assessment:
Psychological assessments can explore a wide range of areas, including cognitive/intellectual functioning, emotional and behavioral patterns, and personality development. The information gathered during an assessment can be useful for diagnostic clarity, describing individual strengths and needs, and tailoring treatment recommendations. Examples of the kinds of assessments Dr. Aton conducts include:
Autism spectrum disorder
Neurodevelopmental disorders related to prenatal substance exposure
Mood and anxiety disorders
Trauma-related disorders and developmental trauma
Specific learning disorders
Dr. Aton works with children and adolescents only, ages 5-17. She only conducts psychological evaluations and does not offer therapy services.
Assessment for Family Court:
Dr. Aton is happy to take referrals for youth involved in the family court system. She does not conduct evaluations related to competency, criminal responsibility, or violence risk, but she does do comprehensive clinical assessment with family court-involved youth. If you are unsure which of those you are looking for, please contact Dr. Aton, and she can help determine if yours is a case she can take.
Youth in resource homes:
Dr. Aton is happy to take referrals for children/adolescents who are involved with Child Protective Services. She does not conduct parenting or custody evaluations, but she does do evaluations geared toward helping resource parents, caseworkers, and other adults involved in the child’s life to better understand their mental health functioning and treatment needs.